2020 Photos and Videos
Wilderness Survival Merit Badge - Saxapahaw, NC - 11/6/20 - 11/8/20
Camping in Damascus, VA - Virginia Creeper Trail bike ride - 10/23/20-10/25/20
Barred Owl in the Scout Cabin - 9/28/20
This visitor made his way in through the chimney/fireplace. He was safely removed and flew back up in the trees outside as pictured.
20 Mile Hike - 9/26/20 - Carolina North Forest - Chapel Hill, NC
8/2/20 - Mr. Ron completes his Vigil at Cherokee Scout Reservation to become an Order of the Arrow Vigil Honor Member
To learn more about this honor visit: https://oa-bsa.org/program/awards/vigil-honor and https://lodge70.org/awards-and-recognition/vigil-honor-recipients/
July 2020 - Summer Encampment Weekends at Cherokee Scout Reservation
February 2020 - Rockin' Jump trampoline park visit
February 2020 - Scouting For Food - over 1000 pounds of food donated to SAFE Food Pantry
February 2020 - Flag Retirement at Troop 65 Fire Ring
January 2020 - Visit from ABSS School Board member Pam Tyler Thompson and husband Attorney Craig Thompson
Visit from ABSS School Board member Pam Tyler Thompson and husband Attorney Craig Thompson - Speaking to Webelos and Den Chiefs about Arrow of Light - Building a Better World requirement # 4: Meet with a government or community leader, and learn about his or her role in your community. Discuss with the leader an important issue facing your community. It was a great visit and we appreciate the time they devote to our community.